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This week's links. Enjoy.

Vivienne Westwood
Over the years designer Vivienne Westwood’s work has evolved in fascinating ways, fluidly moving from her punk roots to bohemianism, paganism and so much more as she explores her ideas about art, politics and society through fashion. Check out her website to see what she's thinking these days.

The 100 Best British Films
Time Out London asked a panel of 150 film industry experts — directors, actors, newspaper and magazine critics and the heads of the UK's major cultural organisations — for their picks of the best British films. A great way to catch up with some great films you might have missed — and rediscover old faves, too.

A Tiny Manhattan Studio
Have a look at this very compact (200 square foot) studio apartment in Manhattan, which uses a simple white palette and creative touches to great effect.

The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind
Feeling grumpy about things — or humanity in general? Read this uplifting and inspiring true story.

Favourite Love Songs of Tom Jones
Legendary performer Tom Jones acts as DJ this week on NPR, choosing his fave love songs for Valentine's Day. Fun choices.

National Treasure
Tom Carson of GQ magazine takes an entertainingly affectionate look at the eccentric career of the equally eccentric Nicolas Cage.

The Cheese Souffle
Watch the adorable Julia Child in a vintage 1972 episode of The French Chef, making a cheese souffle. Love. Via The Browser.

Valentine's Day Menus
Saveur has put together three delicious Valentine's Day menus for a romantic dinner at home — choose from Classic Romance, Really Red and Mediterranean Vegetarian. And if you're single, celebrate with a great home cooked meal with pals, too (or just treat yourself if you're feeling a little too blue for company).

(photo from vt wonen via emmas designblogg)