Just heard from Vicky; she got five cards this morning and is overjoyed that so many people who don't even know her care enough to send a card. They came from blogauthor, creamy silver, Rondi, Lucina, and Susan. Thank you, thank you, thank you. She explained to her nurse why her last name is not on any of the cards. I'm not sure her nurse knows much about blogging but she said she would let the mail room know to watch out for cards with the room number and only a first name.
I've packed all the stuff I'm taking to camp; it looks like I'm leaving for good. I'm even taking my chair for sewing. I didn't do than for Jamboree day and found myself in a very uncomfortable position. My little Prius is going to be jam-packed. Weather.com predicts isolated thunderstorms and a high of 60 where I'm going today.
The one thing I haven't packed yet is my clothes. I can do that in a minute. Shows what's important for this trip.
We had a thunderstorm last night which is a real rarity here. Sort of nice to hear the rumbles. They get a lot of those in the mountains when it's warm, but they rarely make there way here. Our weather comes from the west not the east.
I'll try to find a computer to keep up with all of your lives but if you don't here from me just know I'm in fabric heaven.
Blog Archive
- He's Student Of The Month
- The Birthday Quilt
- Vicky And Puppies
- Wearing Your Clothes Inside Out and Kuala Lumpur
- Learning To Foundation Paper Piece
- Our First Box
- I'm Feeling Better
- This 'n That
- It's Puppy Time...Hopefully
- What's On My Design Wall?
- Vicky Update and Mother's Day
- Quilt Camp Photos
- I'm Baaack!!!!
- Cards And Letters
- Quilt Camp Scenery
- Fava Beans
- Lots Of Good Stuff Happening