Fava Beans

Aren't they just the ugliest things you've ever seen? I bought some yesterday at the first farmers' market of the year. I talked to my brother about them; as a vegan I thought he would have cooked just about every vegetable there is. Well, he hasn't cooked fava beans. Go figure, I'm actually cooking a vegetable before he does and I'm not a vegan.

A little on-line research got me a couple of recipes. I'm going to make the easiest one with lots of garlic, a bit of fennel and olive oil. Any thing cooked in garlic and olive oil will taste good. And I like the mild anise flavor of fennel.

I'm also going to make portobello mushrooms stuffed with fresh pork sausage and chopped leeks. I'm leaving for a week so I want him to eat well before I leave.

I love the farmers' market. Week after next we are going to start getting our box of vegetables from a nearby organic farm, The Natural Trading Company. You sign up to buy a share of what they produce. I bought a small box for us. Delivery starts next week and runs every week through October. I figure it's a great way to learn about new vegetables. The fava beans came from this farm's booth at the market so we will probably be getting more of them.

Change of subject: my sister needs to work on her small muscle control in her hands so she is going to crochet something. I found a very simple pattern for her on line yesterday. I e-mailed it to hubby; he will print it out and take it to the hospital today along with her crochet hooks and yarn. She has crocheted before but never after her hands had been immobile for so long. She's also starting to set goals for herself, which is a great sign.

Yesterday she took three steps. She had a walker and two physical therapists there to make sure she didn't fall but she did it and was very proud. She told me she is resigned to the fact that she will probably be at Regency through the summer.
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