During a Scrabble game at our campsite this weekend, the sun finally came out so I took off my fleece pullover that covered a long-sleeved, three button t-shirt. We continued to play until the woman across from me looked up and said, "oh my God, you have your shirt on inside out." That produced gales of laughter from the rest of the players as they examined my attire and I realized that I did have it on inside out. No wonder I was having trouble buttoning the t-shirt.
The Scrabble game was on Sunday; I had put the shirt on at home when I got up Saturday morning. Yes, I slept in my clothes Saturday night, because it was too damn cold in the tent to take them off and put on my nightgown. I take this nightgown with me every year when we go camping; I've yet to get out of my clothes to put it on.
So for the rest of the weekend I was teased; and no, I did not correct my attire. I wore it that way until we got home last night. I'm sure next year people will be checking my clothing to see how I'm wearing them.
Now on to Kuala Lumpur; Mark and Julia have been invited to play with the Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra beginning in late August and running through the New Year. They may get the gig permanently (which is actually two years unless they signed on permanently at the end of two years). They won't know their status until they learn the results of their auditions which took place earlier this month in San Francisco. The web site is http://www.malaysianphilharmonic.com
Needless to say we are all very excited. This means they will have to fly back for their wedding on Oct. 4th. It's a good thing Mark has already sold his house. That's one less thing to think about. He is moving into Julia's small house that she rents in Albuquerque.
This summer she is playing at a couple of music festivals including one in Topeka, Kansas; he's playing for the Santa Fe Opera production of "Billy Budd."
All kinds of excitement in the family. This means that Kerry and I get to visit Kuala Lumpur too. I'm thinking Thanksgiving in Kuala Lumpur....
Blog Archive
- He's Student Of The Month
- The Birthday Quilt
- Vicky And Puppies
- Wearing Your Clothes Inside Out and Kuala Lumpur
- Learning To Foundation Paper Piece
- Our First Box
- I'm Feeling Better
- This 'n That
- It's Puppy Time...Hopefully
- What's On My Design Wall?
- Vicky Update and Mother's Day
- Quilt Camp Photos
- I'm Baaack!!!!
- Cards And Letters
- Quilt Camp Scenery
- Fava Beans
- Lots Of Good Stuff Happening