Quilt Camp Photos

Hope these photos give you an idea of what it was like inside Dobbins Hall where 53 women spent five days creating things from fabric. The top photo is of the table where I sewed. That's my sewing machine on the far right. Two ladies at my table, Margie and Pam, work at my favorite quilt shop, Cabin Fever Quilts.

The next photo shows quilt blocks on a design wall; it's just flannel affixed to a frame. For some reason the cotton fabric sticks to the flannel without aid of a pin or anything else. This quilter was placing her butterfly blocks in different places to decide how to sew the quilt together. It's called a window pane quilt; The white bars represent the window panes.

Next picture shows a black and white quilt on a design wall. The women at the table were a real hoot. I played Farkle (a dice game) with them at night. And finally a view from my sewing machine looking toward the front of the hall. I can hardly wait until next year; quilt camp is so much fun.

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