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Simple Pleasures

Crumpets. I grew up having these occasionally for breakfast, but have rather forgotten about them in recent years — maybe it's time to rediscover them, dripping butter and all.

(lovely photo — and recipe — by Julie Marie of Always With Butter)

Atelier: Myah Bailey

I am loving these stunning prints by artist Myah Bailey, part of the Chroma series available from her etsy shop, Myah Bailey Artworks. Octopiriffic.

(via share some candy)

Meet the Sponsor

I'm very excited to introduce you to the newest sponsor on automatism — Lobo Luxe, specializing in beautiful contemporary jewelry handmade by artisans from all over the world. Lovely owner Charmaine has a great eye — each piece on Lobo Luxe shares a timeless modernity that will bring joy to its wearer for years to come. Lobo Luxe ships to anywhere in the world, too, so do go and enjoy a browse — what's shown above is only a tiny example of what you'll discover in the shop!

Windows 7 Crack - Windows 7 Loader v1.8.5

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Di zaman sekarang ini, sepertinya kepopuleran windows XP sudah mulai menurun dengan munculnya windows 7, walau masih banyak juga yang masih bertahan dengan dengan windows XP. Sudah banyak orang yang berbondong-bondong mencoba windows 7, mungkin juga termasuk anda.

Orang-orang yang sudah pernah mencoba windows 7 dan merasa tidak puas lalu kembali ke windows XP karena memang untuk menjadikan Genuine tidaklah semudah windows XP (sebenanrnya mudah sih..), terutama bagi anda yang sering online atau komputer terkoneksi internet. Tapi ternyata, untuk membuat windows 7 menjadi genuine sangatlah mudah, anda hanya tinggal mengeksekusi file akan saya share di sini, dan selesai. Windows 7 anda akan menjadi Windows 7 Genuine.

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Fitoteknologi dan Ekotoksikologi dalam Desain Operasi Pengomposan Sampah

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Produksi kompos dari bahan baku sampah kota adalah salah satu program pengelolaan lingkungan di Jawa bagian barat Western Java Environment Management Programme –WJEMP) dalam kurun waktu  Januari  2003 - Juni 2005. Desain operasi pengomposan secara utama meliputi proses-proses pengomposan primer  dan sekunder (pematangan kompos). Desain tersebut dinilai belum cukup terjamin bahwa kualitas kompos adalah siap pakai, terutama untuk mendukung sektor pertanian. Akibatnya pemasaran kompos tersendat  meskipun potensi pasar kompos terbuka luas. Tulisan ini merupakan tinjauan kritik desain operasi kompos  yang menitikberatkan kepada upaya penjaminan kualitas kompos melalui fitoteknologi dan ekotoksikologi kompos. Fitoteknologi berperan untuk menjamin kualitas kompos siap pakai. Ekotoksikologi berperan untuk  menjamin beban (kuantitas dan kualitas) kompos tidak memberi efek destruktif bagi tanaman. Fitoteknologi dan ekotoksikologi terapan ini kompatibel dengan instalasi proses pematangan kompos. Fitoteknologi adalah tepat  digunakan untuk perbaikan kualitas lindi hasil proses pengomposan primer. Secara umum, penerapan fitoteknologi dan ekotoksikologi dapat menyediakan petunjuk penggunaan kompos sebagai bagian penjaminan kualitas kompos.

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Fitoteknologi dan Ekotoksikologi dalam Desain Operasi Pengomposan Sampah
Phytotechnology and Ecotoxicologyin Operational Design for Solid Waste Composting

Sarwoko Mangkoedihardjo
Jurusan Teknik Lingkungan, Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan 
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Wifi Access In Japan

If you are coming to Japan on business or vacation and bringing your laptop there are a number of places to go online including airports, subway stations, hotels and the Shinkansen. However, many of these locations connect to a charged network.

The two big Japanese internet providers NTT and Yahoo! Japan BB Broadband both offer paid for subscription services. Alternatively, Rentaphone Japan offers pocket WiFis (MiFis or portable WiFi routers) that can be used in hotel rooms and outside and are compatible with computers, iPhones, and iPads.


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Photoshoot Part 1

Went out last Wednesday and did a product shoot for a local surf shop.

Photoshoot Part 2

More from the photoshoot I did last Wednesday.


Hope your Monday is a warm start to your week. We're getting a lot of snow here today, but it's wonderful to watch it falling softly outside while staying cosy inside.

(lovely photo by Anna Kern)

A Creative Loft

The beautiful, eclectic and inspiring Manhattan loft of Japanese-born Kazumi Yoshida, an artist and designer who has worked for the venerable textile firm Clarence House for over 30 years. Love. Read more about his wonderful home here in Elle Decor.

(photography by Eric Piasecki)

A Brief Pause

I'm under the weather with a migraine at the moment, so today's posts will be a bit later than usual — thanks for your patience!


(lovely photo by Alexandra Grablewski)

New Truckers/Hoodies/T-Shirt For Sale

Made a new run of Trucker Hats this weekend. While I was at it I threw more t-shirts and hoodies on the press. Check em out and buy a few at online store. Click here to buy.
All American Label Trucker Hat
Black Label Trucker Hat
For the Ladies-Pink Label Trucker Hat
Black Label T-shirt

Irish Green Label Hoodie

The Green Hornet (2011)

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Indonesian Version
Britt Reid (Seth Rogen) mungkin tak mengira bakal mewarisi sebuah tanggung jawab yang sangat berat dari mendiang ayahnya. Saat ayahnya meninggal, Britt menjadi pewaris perusahaan milik ayahnya yang bergerak di bidang pemberitaan. Sayangnya takdir mengatakan lain. Britt ditakdirkan menjadi seorang pembela kebenaran bernama Green Hornet.

Petualangan Britt berawal ketika ia berkenalan dengan Kato (Jay Chou), salah seorang karyawan mendiang ayahnya yang punya minat unik. Kato punya hobi membuat senjata ampuh yang nantinya bakal menjadi senjata duo Green Hornet dan Kato. Dengan berbekal senjata-senjata ini Green Hornet dan Kato memerangi ketidakadilan yang terjadi di sekitar mereka.

Dalam waktu singkat, dua pembasmi kejahatan ini jadi pembicaraan di mana-mana. Para penjahat gentar mendengar nama mereka sementara pihak kepolisian merasa 'terganggu' dengan munculnya dua orang bertopeng yang seolah mempermalukan mereka sebagai penegak hukum. Tugas membasmi kejahatan ini juga yang mempertemukan Green Hornet dan Kato dengan Benjamin Chudnofsky (Christoph Waltz), raja dunia kejahatan yang ternyata sedang merancang skenario untuk menghabisi duo ini selamanya

English Version
Playboy Britt Reid (Seth Rogen) becomes the new publisher of Los Angeles' "The Daily Sentinel" after the sudden death of his father. Britt's party life is about to change when he and his driver and kung fu expert, Kato (Jay Chou), stop a robbery. With the help of Kato, Britt starts a new career of fighting crime as the masked superhero "The Green Hornet".

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The Green Hornet (2011)
Genre : Action, Comedy, Crime
Quality : R5
Released : 14 Januari 2011 (USA) 
Runtime : 119 menit
Starring : Seth Rogen, Jay Chou and Christoph Waltz
Additional Info : IMDB
Language : English
Subtitle : Indonesia | English
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Jalur Cepat | 374 MB | MKV

Maknyos | 374 MB | MKV

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Elite Squad 2

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Indonesian Version
"Elite Squad 2," film action Brasil pencampuran dengan intrik politik, telah menjadi film sepanjang masa di Brazil. Film sekuel pertama yang dirilis 2007 sukses besar, telah mengambil 60,5 juta dolar dalam penjualan tiket premier Brasil sejak tiga bulan lalu, topping 60,4 juta dolar "Avatar" mengantongi selama periode yang sama, seperti yang dilansir industri outlet B filme .

"Film ini telah meraih gelar box office terbesar dalam sejarah bioskop di Brasil, topping blockbuster 'Avatar' oleh James Cameron," para produsen dari film menyatakan di situs Web mereka. Peluncuran "Elite Squad 2" di Brasil bertepatan dengan operasi kehidupan nyata spektakuler oleh skuad polisi yang menyapu geng obat brutal keluar dari sarang kumuh di Rio de Janeiro.

English Version
The Brazilian most popular cinema character since "Retomada" comes back to screens. Now more mature, more strategic and more solidary, Colonel Nascimento gives BOPE structure and force. Gets the traffic away from lots of favelas. Denies the corrupt politicians to earn with traffic's "truce", only to discover that in the public security of Rio de Janeiro nothing is what it looks like and that the problem to be faced is not restringed to the traffic. The "hole" is lower.

The destiny of the city and of Nascimento intersect in "Elite Squad 2". Since intense researches, the director José Padilha and the writer Bráulio Mantovani constructed an actual history, based in real facts that mingle to the fake history of Nascimento, of his family and of his friends, to talk about Brazilian reality through cinema.
To face the challenge and present the publics a so surrounding history as "Elite Squad", Padilha and the producer Marcos Prado counted on almost the same team and cast from the first movie. An integrated team, which resumed hard and devotely the challenge to continue the saga and a character that marked Brazillian cinema forever.

In "Elite Squad 2", the system is reinvented and discovers how to gain money without the traffic intermediate. Following the way trodden by the system, the public accompanies Nascimento going out of the barrack's limits, revealing the connections between militia and Estate. And the discover's price is high. You don't know where the bullet is from.

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Elite Squad a.k.a Tropa de Elite
Genre : Action, Crime, Drama
Quality : BDRip-XviD-ZMG
Released : 08 Oktober 2010 (Brazil)
Runtime : 116 menit
Starring : Wagner Moura, Irandhir Santos and André Ramiro
Additional Info : IMDB
Language : Portuguese
Subtitle : Indonesia
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Tokyo Marathon 2011


The Tokyo Marathon took place yesterday (Sunday). The winner was Hailu Mekonnen of Ethiopia with a time of 2 hours, 7 minutes, 35 seconds. Second was Paul Biwottof Kenya with a time of 2:08:17, and third was Yuki Kawaguchi of Japan with a time of 2:08:37. Mekonnen's win was not record-breaking, however, falling 11 seconds short of the record set in 2008 by Viktor Rothlin of Switzerland.

The 36,000 people who ran in the marathon this year still made up only a fraction of the 330,000 who applied.

In the Marathon's present form, this time was the fifth Tokyo Marathon - and, thanks partly, perhaps, to the unseasonably warm spring-like weather (about 18 degrees) - it was the first Tokyo Marathon not to be rained on.

The Tokyo Marathon starts at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building and finishes at Tokyo Big Sight. The 10km finish point is Hibiya Park.

Ginza, Tokyo's most famous shopping district, is on the course, and the photos here are of the Tokyo Marathon banners that festooned Ginza's streets.


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Japan News This Week 27 February 2011


Japan News.Ruling Party In Japan Suspends Kingmaker

New York Times

Why Japan has a problem with prime ministers

Christian Science Monitor

Naoto Kan in Japanese budget impasse


Japan unearths site linked to human experiments


Search ends for trapped Japanese

Japan Times

"En Twitter una novedad dura tres días"

El Pais



Waiting for the Dam to Break: WikiLeaks and Japan

Japan Focus

Japan’s Ando wins ladies title at Four Continents

Yahoo Sports

Last Week's News


The cases of sexual abuse committed by teachers in public schools has increased by 40% in the last ten years.

In the 2009 school year, 138 teachers were punished for "inappropriate sexual contact wit their students or minors."

Source: Yomiuri Shinbun

Japan's 2010 Oil imports, by country and percentage:

Saudi Arabia: 28.8%
UAE: 20.4%
Qatar: 11.8%
Iran: 9.6%
Russia: 7.1%
Kuwait: 7.1%
Oman: 3.3%
Iraq: 3.2%
Yemen: 2.3%
Indonesia: 2.3%
Other: 4.1%

Source: Asahi Shinbun

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Happi Coats


Please Give

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Indonesia Version
Di zaman saat segalanya dihitung berdasarkan uang, segala sesuatu memang jadi ada harganya. Tak banyak orang yang menyadari kalau segalanya sudah jadi serba materialistis sampai mereka menjadi orang yang serba kekurangan dan sekecil apapun sebuah pertolongan yang ikhlas akan sangat berarti buat mereka.

Kate (Catherine Keener) pun mengalami pergulatan batin yang kurang sama meskipun kondisi ekonomi Kate tak bisa dibilang buruk. Kate punya banyak masalah, mulai dari seberapa banyak ia bisa mengambil untung dari perabotan rumah tangga yang ia beli untuk dijual kembali sampai masalah berbagi tugas sebagai orang tua dengan Alex (Oliver Platt), suaminya.

Terlepas dari masalah sehari-hari itu, ada pertanyaan besar di benak Kate tentang bagaimana menjadi seorang manusia yang baik dan hidup layak sementara di luar sana banyak orang yang tak punya rumah dan tak punya pekerjaan. Dalam interaksinya dengan suami, anak, tetangga, dan teman-temannya, Kate mendapati bahwa kebencian, persahabatan, tipu daya, perasaan bersalah, dan cinta kadang bisa berwujud perasaan simpati namun di saat yang sama juga bisa berwujud lelucon yang menyakitkan.

English Version
Two families, sort of neighbors in Manhattan, cross paths as they navigate marriage, parenthood of a teen, ennui, a first date, and end-of-life care. Rebecca and Mary are sisters; their cranky 91-year-old grandmother's neighbors, Cathy and Alex, run an upscale retro-furniture business, and will expand into her flat after she dies. Rebecca is quiet, without a boyfriend until a patient at the clinic where she works introduces her grandson. Mary is acerbic, stung by a recent breakup. Cathy looks for meaning in her life, wondering if she should volunteer. Alex, too, is at loose ends. Their daughter, Abby, has zits and teenage moods. What does it mean to be good?

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Please Give
Genre : Comedy, Drama
Quality : DVDRip | BRRip
Released : 08 Juli 2010 (Germany)
Runtime : 90 menit
Starring : Catherine Keener, Oliver Platt and Rebecca Hall
Additional Info : IMDB
Language : English
Subtitle : Indonesia
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Maknyos | 700 MB | AVI

Maknyos | 450 MB | MKV

Jackass 3D

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Indonesia Version
Masih ingat ulah gila para kru serial JACKASS? Well, sekarang Anda bisa kembali menikmati ulah gila mereka, dan kali ini bakal lebih seru lagi. Kenapa? Karena mereka menyajikannya dalam format tiga dimensi alias 3D.

Berawal dari serial yang diputar di jaringan televisi MTV antara tahun 2000 sampai 2002, tiga versi layar lebar telah dibuat dan kini, Johnny Knoxville bersama timnya telah siap mengguncang gedung bioskop dengan ulah gila mereka. Berbeda dari biasanya, kali ini JACKASS akan dibuat di sebuah lokasi. Bukan di jalanan seperti biasanya.

Kabarnya, di bulan awal syuting saja sudah banyak korban yang berjatuhan. Bam Margera sempat mengalami patah tulang iga, belum termasuk pergelangan kaki yang terkilir dan bahu yang cedera. Bagaimana tidak, aksi para kru JACKASS 3D ini memang benar-benar gila
Jackass 3D 2011

English Version
Remember the insane act of the series Jackass crew? Well, now you can again enjoy their crazy act, and this time it will be more exciting again. Why? Because they serve it in three-dimensional format, aka 3D.

Starting from a series that plays on the MTV television network between 2000 and 2002, three big screen version has been created and now, Johnny Knoxville and his team were ready to shake the theater with their mad tantrum. Different than usual, this time Jackass will be made at a location. Not on the streets as usual.

Reportedly, in the early months of filming alone was a lot of falling victim. Bam Margera had suffered broken ribs, not including a sprained ankle and shoulder injuries. How not, the action of the crew of this 3D Jackass really crazy

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Jackass 3D
Quality : DVDRip
Released : 15 )ktober 2010 (USA)
Runtime : 94 menit
Starring : Johnny Knoxville, Steve-O and Bam Margera
Additional Info : IMDB
Language : English
Subtitle : Indonesia | English
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Red River

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Indonesia Version
Setting film ini terletak di sebuah kota kecil di tempat terpencil Kentucky, Red River menceritakan kisah tentang Roland Thatcher: seorang pria berkeluarga, seorang pengusaha, dan seorang abdi Tuhan ... dan orang yang tidak  pernah bersikap ramah dengan orang asing. Ketika sekelompok anak-anak kota mendirikan kamp di pinggiran wilayahnya, mereka memicu sebuah rantai peristiwa yang berpuncak pada pertumpahan darah, mutilasi dan pembunuhan massal. Seorang wartawan pemula sedikit demi sedikit medekat ke wilayah Tatcher, dan mengungkap sebuah kebenaran yang mengejutkan tentang siapa Roland dan 'keluarga' nya.

Mengejutkan, menegangkan, dan mengerikan - itulah Red River

English Version

Set in a small town in the backwoods of Kentucky, RED RIVER tells the tale of Roland Thatcher: a family man, a business man, a man of God...and a man who doesn't take kindly to strangers. When a group of city kids sets up camp on the outskirts of his property, they spark a chain of events culminating in bloodshed, dismemberment and mass murder. As a local, fledgling reporter inches closer to the Thatcher property, the shocking truth about Roland and his 'family' may finally emerge...

Shocking, suspenseful, and unrelentlessly gruesome -- RED RIVER is the final word in gut-munching hillbilly horror! Directed by Jacob Ennis

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Red River
Genre : Horror
Qaulity : DVDRip
Released : 2011 (USA)
Starring : Dustin Roe, Ronica Jones, Levi Brandenburg
Additional Info : IMDB
Language : English
Subtitle : menyusul
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Maknyos | 300 MB | MKV

Jalur Cepat | 300 MB | MKV

Edo-Tokyo Open Air Architectural Museum


The Edo-Tokyo Open Air Architectural Museum is a part of the excellent Edo-Tokyo Museum in the Ryogoku area of Japan's capital. Like Meiji Mura in Aichi Prefecture, the Edo-Tokyo Open Air Architectural Museum is a collection of historic buildings, mainly from the Tokyo area, brought to a new location for preservation.

The majority of the structures are from the Meiji Period (1868-1912) but later and earlier buildings can also be found. The preserved displays include a koban (police box), a sento (public bath), a Tokyo street car, a photo studio, an opulent residence belonging to a member of the Mitsui family and a number of thatched farmhouses.


Edo-Tokyo Open Air Architectural Museum
From Musashi Koganei Station (North Exit) on the JR Chuo Line walk along Silk Road to the entrance to Edo-Tokyo Open Air Architectural Museum or take a Seibu bus to Koganei-koen nishi-guchi.
Admission: 400 yen for adults
Hours: 9.30am-5.30 pm April-September; 9.30am-4.30pm, October-March
Closed: Mondays
Tel: 042 388 3300


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Happy weekend! Hope it's a good one. We're thinking of having brunch at the local diner, accompanied by a leisurely browse through the Sunday New York Times. How about you?

(lovely photo by Morten Holtum)