We went in a bit later this morning and discovered that her blood gas levels were up once again. Her CO2 is still declining, which is very good. Her heart rate is down to about 95. It had been as high as 115. Her oxygen level is good with the ventilator set at 90%. She had gotten down to 50% before her last surgery. We hope she can get back to that level. They are taking about a half-pound of fluid out of her each day with the dialysis. She's actually below the weight at which she came into the hospital.
Today they added yet another bag; this time it's phosphorous. The nurse told me what it did but I don't remember. They also have a monitor on her forehead to check for brain activity so they can make sure she is sedated enough. Because she is paralyzed they want to make sure she is comfortable because she couldn't tell us if she wasn't.
We went to Mike and Minna's house for a great spaghetti dinner tonight. We toasted Vicky at the start of dinner. We are home now and stuffed. Kerry is leaving on Tuesday evening. I will probably stay another week. Just can't be away from her right now. I want to continue to see slow but steady progress. Then I'll feel like I can leave.
Once again, Neil wants me to thank all of your for your continued prayers, energy and caring. It means a lot to all of us. We got another care package of food from people at Vicky's work; great homemade chicken wild rice soup, lettuce, Parker house rolls and then, are you read for this, apple pie, French Silk Pie and cinnamon streusal coffee cake. Yikes, Neil is going to have to roll me on the plain. I'm glad he can take this stuff to work where people there will devour it.
Blog Archive
- Vicky's Choice...And The Answer Is...
- A Small Step Backward
- She Didn't Get Transferred Yesterday
- The Beginning Of My Latest Creation
- Great News About Vicky
- Introducing The Kitten
- She Sat In A Chair Yesterday
- We celebrate Easter in sort of a different way. Sa...
- Not A Great Day
- A Good Question From A Favorite Blogger
- More Good News; It's Boring But I Love It
- Another News Flash
- Late Breaking Bulletin
- How Many Ways Can You Say "Good News"
- Good News Again
- A Good News Bulletin About Vicky
- Food Glorious Food
- A Good Bulletin Just In From ICU
- I Came Home To Spring
- No Post This Evening
- Today Was A Really Good Day
- It's Almost Boring
- Another Uneventful Day
- Another Uneventful Day For Vicky
- Blissfully Boring Except For My Stomach
- A Very Hard Day
- Another Day In The ICU
- Another Stable Day In The ICU
- She's Stable