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The Beginning Of My Latest Creation

The pattern is called "twisted bargello." I took a class about ten days ago to learn how to do this type of quilt. Once I got started I just had to keep going until I finished this part. There are 20 fabrics and 1,751 pieces in this quilt top. The smallest piece is 3/4 inch by 1.5 inches.

I still need to add two borders. I'm going to Cabin Fever Quilt Shoppe tomorrow to have them help me pick out those fabrics. I want something quite plain so they don't distract from the main part of the quilt.

These are the colors in our bedroom. Once it's finished, it will hang on the wall directly behind our bed. That wall has been blank for nearly five years. Every time I walk in the room I think, that spot needs something. I didn't want anything heavy there that would fall on us during the night; a quilt is light and perfect.

I have lots of other projects so I'm on to the next one.
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