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Another Uneventful Day For Vicky

Nothing good or bad happened today. She just remained stable. The lung doctor said that we would know in 24-48 hours if the prednisone would do anything. I sort of wish he hadn't given it a time frame. Now I'm fixated on Sunday.

It's great to have my brother here. He brought me lunch today from Whole Foods. He's a vegan so it was an eclectic mixture. A vegan cordon bleu (weird but tasty), a raw golden beet salad (yuck) and a spinach, garlic clove, raisin and pine nut salad (yummy) and two raspberry chocolate vegan cupcakes (delicious). He has promised lunch tomorrow, without the beets.

I think I'm becoming an ICU junky. The newspaper reporter in me just can't stand not to know what is happening around me. The biggest news today was the woman next door to Vicky who arrived via helicopter on the roof. She came from Redwood Falls, MN. No idea what happened but she doesn't look good.

Max, Mike and Minna visited today. Little Max (nearly three) really lights up the place. He has cars that are characters from the movie "Cars." He and his dad know a lot of the dialogue and act out scenes from the movie. I think the nurses enjoyed the lighter moments when Max was there.

When Max leaves he looks at Vicky and says, "Nana go night night." Sort of breaks my heart.

Went out for Thai food tonight. I think it was Neil's first Thai food ever. So now he's eaten butternut squash and Thai food while I'm here. We are moving his taste buds forward one step at a time.

Adam (Neil and Vicky's youngest son) comes home tomorrow night from the Duluth area where he's painting. It will be nice to have him here.

I finally got my Imodium AD and am feeling much better. That's all the news from Lake Wobegon.