Vicky had an uneventful day yesterday. She is tolerating the slow removal of the Versed which is good. She tried to breathe over her ventilator a couple of times but the nurse just increased her Propofol (pain med) and she stopped.
The head of ICU came to see us yesterday to talk about what she wants to do next: remove Vicky's chest tubes if there are no more leaks; tweak the vent settings to see if she can do more on her own and discontinue the continuous dialysis in favor of three times a week. The latter depends on her blood pressure staying stable. Apparently the dialysis is playing a role in that. Yesterday she again made more urine on her own so we are hopeful.
Once the Versed is gone from her body they will put in her hearing aids and see if she can follow some simple commands. I did see her eye lids flutter a couple of times yesterday. She's in there. Also, she is tolerating being moved.
The doctors are stunned by her recovery. According to her chest x-ray she should not be doing this well. They have decided to stop using the chest x-ray as a determinant in her treatment. They would like to do a CAT scan, but it just isn't possible to get her to the CAT scan right now even though it's on the same floor as ICU. She doesn't like to be bagged and they would have to do that for quite a while to do the scan.
I realized once again last night how much I hate to fly. I was in a middle seat on a completely full flight. Got to bed about 1 a.m. PDT which is 3 a.m. CDT. I'm going back to bed. I have my book group tonight so gotta get some rest.