"How are you?" That was from Creamy Silver. I was taken aback at first and then I realized that she had asked an important question. I have been so focused on my sister's well being that I have sublimated my own health and welfare. Our parents have been dead for a long time so I think of myself as the matriarch of the family. There is a lot of responsibility that goes with that, at least in my mind.
The short answer is that I'm okay; the long answer is that I think about her all the time. The good part is I had a great dream last night where she was sitting up in bed talking to me. That was far better than the dream the night before when I was trying to board a flight to London and couldn't find the gate. I hate those kind of dreams.
To take care of myself I have immersed myself in Kerry and in quilting. I had an all-day quilting class last Friday and Saturday. On Sunday Kerry and I went to a quilt show in a neighboring county. The woman taking our money looked at Kerry, then looked at me and said, "would he be here without you?" I said no and she said then I will only charge you for one person. Quilters are wonderful. They lost out on $6 but they knew they would have lost out on that if he hadn't come. I promised to buy him lunch; we ate at Red Robin (it was Yuba City after all; the one decent restaurant in town, City Cafe, is closed on Sundays).
I have not gotten my hair cut or colored. I thought I would do that right away but somehow it doesn't seem important. It's spring here which is great for my spirit.
I'm working on a quilt called "Twisted Bargello." You need 1,715 squares for the quilt. It's not as torturous as it sounds but it does take some concentration.
My badge of honor as a quilter was acquired on Sunday at the quilt show. I now have my scissors attached to me with one of those cords that reels in and out. I'm always looking for my scissors so this really helps.
The one thing I haven't done yet for myself is get back on the treadmill. I need to do that for my lungs, heart and blood pressure. I tried today but my lungs would not cooperate.
Anyway, that's the best I can do on taking care of myself. Thanks Creamy Silver for asking.
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