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A Very Hard Day

Things are not looking good here. Today the lung doctor, her husband and I had what they call a "care conference." That's where you discuss what to do if she codes. Neil is such an optimist; I know it was so hard for him to hear what the doctor had to say. He agreed to a do not resuscitate (DNR).

They are having trouble controlling just about everything. She is so fragile that just moving her in the bed to prevent pressure sores sets off all the alarms.

The problem is really with her lungs. They are just not working very well; about 35%, which is way too little.

So we need even more prayers than you have been sending. My brother is arriving tomorrow about noon.

To compound all this sadness I found out tonight that a dear friend of ours committed suicide. I was speechless when I found out. The sheriff's possee found him in the woods about 300 yards from the house he and his wife shared. They are wonderful people. Margo, his wife, is devastated. She is a breast cancer survivor. I have no idea why this happened. Then a wonderful woman from my Red Hat group died this week as well.

What is wrong with the universe. I wish the news was better but it's not. No one has given up but we are worried that Vicky does not have anymore strength to continue to fight.