It was a roller coaster ride today that ended with good news and stability. The surgery she had on Wednesday really knocked her for a loop; it has taken her a while to recover but the good news is that she is.
I'm eating leftover Mac and Cheese (made from scratch) and having a glass of chardonnay (okay two glasses), but I've earned them.
My sister is amazingly strong. Somewhere inside her quiet body she is busy fighting this. Neil and I both spent time holding her hand and talking to her.
It's amazing and scary how you can become so used to all the beeps in the room. The dialysis machine is constantly beeping. A bag needs emptying or refilling or they just need to test to make sure it's working right. The redundancy's are very calming for me.
Dr. Hamm spoke with us this morning. Very attractive but very skinny. I found out from Vicky's day nurse that she is a triathlete. Probably helps relieve her stress level.
Vicky had an echo sonogram of her legs to look for blood clots and an echo cardiogram of her heart. Both were clear. That is a relief.
Back to the hospital tomorrow morning. We found out we can get a reduced parking rate because she has been in the hospital for so long. That will be nice. It will be $4 per day rather than $10 and you can go in and out as much as you want for the $4.
I know I'm not going home on Tuesday. I don't know what Kerry plans yet. The good news is that his last blood test showed his platelets at 37,000. We cheer for anything over 30,000. That's all the news on this Saturday night.
Blog Archive
- Vicky's Choice...And The Answer Is...
- A Small Step Backward
- She Didn't Get Transferred Yesterday
- The Beginning Of My Latest Creation
- Great News About Vicky
- Introducing The Kitten
- She Sat In A Chair Yesterday
- We celebrate Easter in sort of a different way. Sa...
- Not A Great Day
- A Good Question From A Favorite Blogger
- More Good News; It's Boring But I Love It
- Another News Flash
- Late Breaking Bulletin
- How Many Ways Can You Say "Good News"
- Good News Again
- A Good News Bulletin About Vicky
- Food Glorious Food
- A Good Bulletin Just In From ICU
- I Came Home To Spring
- No Post This Evening
- Today Was A Really Good Day
- It's Almost Boring
- Another Uneventful Day
- Another Uneventful Day For Vicky
- Blissfully Boring Except For My Stomach
- A Very Hard Day
- Another Day In The ICU
- Another Stable Day In The ICU
- She's Stable