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Blissfully Boring Except For My Stomach

My stomach seems to know long before I do what my mental status is. I need to buy some Imodium AD. Okay, that was pretty graphic but it's what life is like right now.

The good thing today is that nothing happened; it was neither good nor bad. This morning the herd of doctors descended on her room. They would probably be offended by the "herd" comment, but it's true. The docs decided to put her on steroids. We have nothing to lose. Of course, then her blood pressure was out of whack but we knew that was going to happen so they turned up her blood pressure meds.

She is tolerating being physically turned, at least for now. The challenge now is that any statement I make at this moment in time could be cancelled out by whatever electrical impulse she has.

Our brother arrived today which is really helpful. He can't stay with us because he's allergic to cats. He's over at cousin Dennis' house. And tonight Neil's brother Tom arrived and stayed after we left. That was really wonderful. It's not easy to be in that room but he knew that his brother needed him to be there.

The kindness of people both here and in the Ethernet goes a long ways toward making this tolerable. I thank all of you; keep praying. I need to get some rest.