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Food Glorious Food

Nothing to report on Vicky. She is still making progress, but slowly.

So I'm switching topics. I watched a lot of HGTV and the Food Network while I was in Minneapolis. Both channels are sort of soothing and mind numbing. Neil would retire to his bedroom to watch what he wanted.

Anyway, one day Adam (Vicky and Neil's son and my nephew) and I were watching Paula Dean on the Food Network. I love to listen to her talk. But this episode she made something that was so over the top I just had to write about it: deep-fried Mac and Cheese. I'm not kidding. The recipe is on her web site. To make this dish even fattier. She wraps each square of Mac and Cheese in bacon which she secures with a toothpick. Then she rolls it in flour, egg, and bread crumb. Then it's into a deep fryer filled with peanut oil for about three minutes.

At this point Adam and I were drooling. It looked so good. I stole the picture from her web site. Adam is going to culinary school in the fall so he's really a foodie. He makes the most amazing meatloaf.

I'm feeling almost back to normal. I went out today and bought some fabric for a class I'm taking on Saturday. I went to the grocery store; then decided I was too tired to tackle the library. I came home and napped for two hours.

Neil is still doing what I did...sitting in the ICU. It is so stressful. I didn't fully realize that until I wasn't there. I have quilting classes all day Friday and Saturday. Then I will figure out when to return to Vicky's room in the ICU.
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